CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 3
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 03 (1996)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1996-09].iso
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1,368 lines
;;; -*- Lisp-Interaction -*-
;;; Version: $VER: GCC-Install 2.6 (26.05.95)
;;; GNU C Installation script for AmigaDOS
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;;; Author: Jochen Wiedmann
;;; Am Eisteich 9
;;; 72555 Metzingen
;;; Germany
;;; Phone: (0049) +7123 / 14881
;;; Internet: jochen.wiedmann@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
;;; History: 07-Apr-95 Initial version
;;; 14-Apr-95 Added CHECK, OFF and SET options to
;;; GNU:s/User-Startup
;;; CopyEnvironment procedure does no
;;; longer depend on the existence of
;;; GNU:envarc.
;;; 20-Apr-95 Assign GNUINCLUDE: now optional.
;;; User may switch between modifying
;;; specs file and using C_INCLUDE_PATH.
;;; 13-May-95 Fixed bug in the specs file modification.
;;; Added existence checks to Rename020Binaries.
;;; 20-May-95 Removed GCCSTACK variable (No longer
;;; needed by gcc 2.7.0)
;;; 26-May-95 Fixed typo
;;; Variable settings
(set installName "gcc")
(set installVersion "2.7.0")
(set installVersionShort "gcc270")
(set minOsVersion 37)
;;; SelectInstallDir procedure
;;; Allows the user to select an installation directory (full path),
;;; which will be stored in the installDir variable.
;;; Uses: installDir old installation directory path
;;; Sets: installDir installation directory path
(set askedInstallDir 0)
(set configSubDir 0)
(procedure SelectInstallDir
(if (NOT askedInstallDir)
( (if configSubDir
( (set installDir (expandpath (askdir
(prompt "Please select the directory to configure. ")
(help "GNU C is installed in one directory, Work:GNU "
"or something similar. Please select this "
"directory, so that I can reconfigure it.\n\n"
(default installDir)
(set installDirParent (pathonly installDir))
( (set installDirParent (expandpath (askdir
(prompt "Please select the installation directory. "
"A drawer GNU will be created."
(help "GNU C is installed in a directory called `GNU:'. "
"For example, binaries go into `GNU:bin', link "
"libraries in `GNU:lib' and so on.\n\n"
"A typical place for GNU: is something like "
"`Work:GNU' or something similar. In this "
"example you should select the directory "
(default (pathonly installDir))
(set installDir (tackon installDirParent "GNU"))
(message "Installing GNU C in " installDir ".\n\n"
"Binaries will be in " (tackon installDir "bin")
", link libraries in " (tackon installDir "lib")
", header files in " (tackon installDir "include")
(set @default-dest installDir)
(set askedInstallDir 1)
;;; SelectVersion procedure
;;; Allows the user to select a version to install.
(set askedInstallVersion 0)
(procedure SelectVersion
(if (NOT askedInstallVersion)
( (set installVersion (askstring
(prompt "Enter the version of GNU C to install.")
(help "Certain files and directories contain the version "
"of GNU C in the path, thus I need to know them. "
"Please enter the GNU C version in the form "
installVersion ".\n\n"
(default installVersion)
(set installVersionShort (cat
(substr installVersion 0 1)
(substr installVersion 2 1)
(substr installVersion 4 1)
(set askedInstallVersion 1)
;;; SelectDeinstallDir procedure
;;; Allows the user to select a directory to be deinstalled.
;;; Uses: oldInstallDir directory of recent GNU C installation
(procedure SelectDeinstallDir
(set deinstallDir (askdir
(prompt "Select the directory where to deinstall GNU C.")
(help "If your GNU C version is installed in Work:GNU, for "
"example, select Work:GNU, so that I can remove it.\n\n"
(default oldInstallDir)
;;; CheckObsoleteDir procedure
;;; Asks the user if he wants an "obsolete" directory and creates it,
;;; if this is the case. The name will be stored in installObsoleteDir
;;; in that case, otherwise this variable will receive the value "".
;;; Uses: installDir name of installation directory
(set installObsoleteDirChecked 0)
(procedure CheckObsoleteDir
(if (NOT installObsoleteDirChecked)
( (set installObsoleteDir (tackon installDir "obsolete"))
(if (<> (exists installObsoleteDir) 2)
( (makedir installObsoleteDir
(prompt "Creating a directory " installObsoleteDir " to keep "
"old prefs files and icons."
(help "Old user-editabe files may be prevented from "
"deletion by copying them to " installObsoleteDir
". You may skip this part, if you don't want this.\n\n"
(confirm 2)
(if (<> (exists installObsoleteDir) 2)
( (set installObsoleteDir "")
(set installObsoleteDirChecked 1)
;;; CheckObsoleteFile procedure
;;; Uses: checkObsoleteFileName name of file to be copyied into the
;;; obsolete directory (relative to
;;; installDir)
;;; installObsoleteDir name of the "obsolete" directory
;;; installDir name of the installation directory
(procedure CheckObsoleteFile
(if (exists checkObsoleteFileName)
( (CheckObsoleteDir)
(if installObsoleteDir
( (copyfiles
(prompt ("Preserving old file %s ..." checkObsoleteFileName))
(help "The old file " checkObsoleteName " may be preserved "
"by copying it to " installObsoleteDir ". You may skip "
"this part, if you don't want this.\n\n"
(source checkObsoleteFileName)
(dest installObsoleteDir)
(confirm 2)
(optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser")
;;; CheckOsVersion procedure
;;; Aborts, if OS version is lower than the variable minOsVersion.
;;; Sets osVersion variable.
(procedure CheckOsVersion
(set osVersion (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536))
(if (< osVersion minOsVersion)
( (abort "Sorry, " installName
" needs Kickstart/Workbench 2.04 or higher.")
;;; ShowCopyrightMessage procedure
(procedure ShowCopyrightMessage
(message "GNU C: The GNU Project C and C++ Compiler\n\n"
"V" installVersion " © 1995 Free Software Foundation \n\n"
"This program is FREE SOFTWARE; you can redistribute it and/or "
"modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as "
"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 "
"or any later version.\n\n"
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, "
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY! See the GNU General Public License "
"(in the file COPYING) for details."
;;; CheckGNUDir procedure
;;; Checks, if GNU: or GCC: assign exists; stores value in
;;; installDir sets boolean variable oldInstallationSeen.
(procedure CheckGNUDir
(set installDir (getassign "GNU" "va"))
(if (= installDir "")
( (set installDir (getassign "GCC" "va"))
(if (<> installDir "")
( (set installDir (expandpath installDir))
(set oldInstallationSeen 1)
(set oldInstallDir installDir)
(transcript "Existing GNU C installation in " installDir
" detected.")
( (set installDir "SYS:GNU")
(set oldInstallationSeen 0)
(transcript "Performing initial GNU C installation.")
(set @default-dest installDir)
;;; DeinstallGNU procedure
;;; Deletes GNU:lib/gcc-lib or GNU: (if the GNU: path was changed by
;;; the user)
;;; Uses: deinstallDir Directory where to deinstall GNU C.
(procedure DeinstallGNU
(set deinstallKind (askchoice
(prompt "Which kind of deinstallation do you want?")
(help "Selecting \"Complete deinstallation\" means removing "
"the complete directory " deinstallDir ". This is "
"usually selected, if you want to remove GNU C or "
"want to install a new version in another directory.\n\n"
"If you just want to replace the existing version with "
"a new one in the same directory, it should be "
"sufficient to select \"Partial deinstallation\": This "
"will only remove " (tackon deinstallDir "lib/gcc-lib")
", as other files will be overwritten when installing "
"the new version.\n\n"
(choices "Complete deinstallation"
"Partial deinstallation"
(default 0)
(if (patmatch deinstallDir oldInstallDir)
( (startup "GNU stuff"
(prompt "Removing GNU C from s:User-Startup.")
(help "Your version of GNU C in " deinstallDir
"will be no longer usable. If there are any lines in "
"your S:User-Startup concerning GNU C, they should "
"probably be removed.\n\n"
(select deinstallKind
( (set deleteFileName deinstallDir)
(if (patmatch deinstallDir oldInstallDir)
( (message "I was not able to remove the directory "
deinstallDir " and some of its subdirectories, "
"as there are still assigns pointing to them.\n\n"
"You should remove them manually later.\n"
( (set deleteFileName (tackon deinstallDir "lib/gcc-lib"))
;;; DeleteFile procedure
;;; Deletes a file
;;; Uses: deleteFileName file to delete
(procedure DeleteFile
(select (exists deleteFileName)
( (set deleteFileName deleteFileName)
( (delete deleteFileName
(prompt "Deleting " deleteFileName "...")
(optional "force" "askuser")
( (working "Deleting directory " deleteFileName)
(run (cat "C:Delete \"" deleteFileName "\" ALL QUIET"))
;;; SelectLHAProgram procedure
;;; Lets the user select the LHA binary; sets the variable lhaProgram.
;;; Sets: lhaProgram path of LhA binary
(procedure SelectLHAProgram
(set l 1)
(while l
( (set lhaProgram (askfile
(prompt "Please select your LhA program.")
(help "Unfortunately the Installer program ignores "
"your path settings. Thus I need to know the "
"complete path of your LhA program.\n\n"
(default "LhA")
(if (exists lhaProgram)
( (set l 0)
;;; SelectPackages procedure
;;; Allows the user to select the archives that should be unarchived.
;;; Result is stored in the gnuPackagesChoice variable.
(procedure SelectPackages
(set gnuPackagesChoice (askoptions
(prompt "Which parts of gcc should be installed?")
(choices "Base distribution"
"Includes & Libraries"
"Additional Utilities"
"On-line Documentation"
"Utilities On-line Documentation"
"Source Diffs"
"Documentation sources")
(default 71)
(help "gcc is distributed in different LhA archives. "
"I will unarchive those parts to " installDir
" that you select.\n\n"
"A minimal installation requires base distribution, "
"Includes & Libraries and the C distribution. This will take "
"about 7.5 MB of harddisk space. However, I recommend at least "
"adding the on-line documentation, so you get a minimum of "
"10 MB.\n\n"
;;; Ask020Binaries procedure
;;; Asks the user, if he wants the 68020 binaries. Result stored in
;;; install020 variable.
(set asked020Binaries 0)
(procedure Ask020Binaries
(if (NOT asked020Binaries)
( (set install020 "")
(if (NOT (OR (= (database "cpu") "68000")
(= (database "cpu") "68010")
( (if (askbool
(prompt "Do you like to have the 68020 binaries "
"Of course you need to have the 68020 binaries "
"(packages gcc263-c-020.lha, gcc263-c++-020.lha "
"and gcc263-objc020.lha, respectively) "
(help "The GNU C distribution offers two different "
"binary versions. If your machine's CPU is a "
"68020 or above, then you should install the "
"68020 binaries and select \"Yes\". This won't "
"affect the binaries created by you. It only "
"increases the compilers speed.\n\n"
"Otherwise you should select \"No\".\n\n"
(default 1)
( (set install020 "-020")
(set asked020Binaries 1)
;;; UnpackArchive procedure
;;; Unpacks one LhA file.
;;; Uses: installArchiveName name of archive file
;;; lhaCommand command to execute for dearchiving
(set defaultArchivePath "")
(procedure UnPackArchive
(set l 1)
(while l
( (set installArchive (askfile
(prompt "Please select the archive file "
installArchiveName " for unpacking."
(help "Please select the archive file " installArchiveName ". "
"I will unpack this archive to " installDir ".\n\n"
(default (tackon defaultArchivePath installArchiveName))
(set defaultArchivePath (pathonly installArchive))
(if (exists installArchive)
( (set l 0)
(if (run (lhaCommand installArchive)
(prompt ("\n\nUnpacking %s ..." installArchive))
( (abort "\n\n" (lhaCommand installArchive)
"\n\nshowed an error."
( (message "File " installArchive " does not exist.")
(set installArchive "")
;;; CopyEnvironment procedure
;;; Creates environment variables
(procedure CopyEnvironment
(set varsToCreatePrompt "Installing environment variables in \"ENVARC:\"")
(set varsToCreateHelp
(cat "Some environment variables are required or encouraged.\n\n"
"GCCPRIORITY is the priority of gcc's child processes.\n"
"LESSCHARSET, PAGER and TERM usually aren't needed, "
"except, if you are using \"less\" or similar programs.\n\n"
(if (AND (<> osHeadersDir "")
(= osHeadersInstallStyle 1))
( (set includePath "/GNUINCLUDE")
( (set includePath osHeadersDir)
(set varsToCreate (askoptions
(prompt varsToCreatePrompt)
(help varsToCreateHelp
"and OBJCPLUS_INCLUDEPATH tell gcc, where to find the "
"OS headers.\n\n"
(choices "GCCPRIORITY"
(default 511)
( (set varsToCreate (askoptions
(prompt varsToCreatePrompt)
(help varsToCreateHelp @askoptions-help)
(choices "GCCPRIORITY"
(default 31)
(set n 0)
(set bit 1)
(while (set word (select n "GCCPRIORITY" "-1"
"GCCSTACK" "350000"
"PAGER" "/usr/bin/more"
"TERM" "amiga"
"C_INCLUDE_PATH" includePath
( (if (BITAND n 1)
( (if (BITAND bit varsToCreate)
( (set checkObsoleteFileName (tackon "ENVARC:" varName))
(prompt "Creating environment variable " varName)
(help @textfile-help)
(dest (tackon "ENVARC:" varName))
(append word)
(set bit (shiftleft bit 1))
( (set varName word)
(set n (+ n 1))
; (if (exists "ENVARC:GCCSTACK")
; ( (if (askbool
; (prompt "The environment variable GCCSTACK is no longer "
; "needed as of gcc 2.7.0.\n\n"
; "Do you want to remove it?\n"
; )
; (help "Recent versions of gcc (2.6.0-2.6.3) needed an "
; "environment variable GCCSTACK to ensure sufficient "
; "stack. This variable is no longer needed, as gcc "
; "extends its stack dynamically now.\n\n"
; "Select \"Yes\", if you want to remove this "
; "obsolete variable or \"No\", if you want to "
; "keep it for recent versions."
; )
; (default 1)
; )
; ( (set deleteFileName "ENVARC:GCCSTACK")
; (DeleteFile)
; ))
; ))
;;; ModifyUserStartup procedure
;;; Modifies s:User-Startup and creates GNU:s/User-Startup
;;; Uses: installDir installation directory
;;; osHeadersDir path of OS headers
(procedure ModifyUserStartup
(startup "GNU stuff"
(command "Assign GNU: " installDir "\n")
(command "Execute GNU:s/User-Startup\n")
(prompt "The following lines should be added to your s:User-Startup:\n\n"
"Assign GNU: " installDir "\n"
"Execute GNU:s/User-Startup\n\n"
"Shall I do this now?"
(help "gcc needs a special environment, some assigns for example. "
"The easiest way to get this environment is to meodify your "
"User-Startup file, so that it is created automatically when "
"your machine boots.\n\n"
(if (AND (<> osHeadersDir "")
(= osHeadersInstallStyle 0))
( (SelectVersion)
(if (<> install020 "")
( (set specsFile (tackon installDir
(cat "lib/gcc-lib/mc68020-cbm-amigados/"
installVersion "/specs"))
( (set specsFile (tackon installDir
(cat "lib/gcc-lib/mc68000-cbm-amigados/"
installVersion "/specs"))
(if (AND (exists "C:Edit")
(exists specsFile))
( (set specsString "-IGNUINCLUDE:")
( (set specsString (cat "-I" osHeadersDir))
(set checkObsoleteFileName specsFile)
(prompt "Creating batch file for C:Edit.")
(help "A batchfile with commands for C:Edit must be "
(dest "t:specsFileEdit")
(append "F B/*cpp:/\n"
"DTB /%{m68881/\n"
"B,%{m68881,%{!nostdinc:" specsString "} ,\n"
(run (cat "C:Edit " specsFile " WITH t:specsFileEdit OPT W4096"))
(set deleteFileName "t:specsFileEdit")
( (message
"C:Edit or specs file " specsFile
"not found. You must edit the specs file "
"manually and add \"" specsString "\" to "
"the cpp entry. The line should look as follows:\n\n"
" *cpp:\n"
" %{!nostdinc:" specsString " }%{m68881 ...\n\n"
"Otherwise you need to add \"" specsString "\" to your "
"command line each time you are using Commodore "
( (set osHeadersString "")
(if (<> (exists (tackon installDir "s")) 2)
( (makedir (tackon installDir "s")
(prompt "Creating GNU:s directory.")
(help "A directory GNU:s will be created which contains "
"the files that are executed at startup time."
(set checkObsoleteFileName (tackon installDir "s/User-Startup"))
( (set installGNUINCLUDE
(cat " Assign GNUINCLUDE: \"" osHeadersDir "\"\n")
(set deinstallGNUINCLUDE
(cat " Assign GNUINCLUDE: REMOVE >nil:\n")
( (set installGNUINCLUDE "")
(set deinstallGNUINCLUDE "")
(prompt "Creating the GNU startup file GNU:s/user-startup.")
(help "The file GNU:s/user-startup must be executed before "
"using gcc, usually from s:User-Startup."
(dest (tackon installDir "s/User-Startup"))
(append ".key ON/S,OFF/S,SET/S,CHECK/S\n"
".bra {\n"
".ket }\n"
"; GNU User-Startup\n"
"; User-Startup ON for installing GNU assigns. (default)\n"
"; User-Startup OFF for removing GNU assigns.\n"
"; User-Startup CHECK for checking, if assigns exist.\n"
"; User-Startup SET for setting paths only.\n"
"IF \"{OFF}\" EQ \"\"\n"
" IF \"{CHECK}\" EQ \"\"\n"
" IF \"{SET}\" EQ \"\"\n"
" Assign GNU: EXISTS >nil:\n"
" IF WARN\n"
" Assign GNU: \"" installDir "\"\n"
" ENDIF\n"
" Assign BIN: GNU:bin\n"
" Assign ETC: GNU:etc\n"
" Assign DEV: GNU:dev\n"
" Assign TMP: t:\n"
" Assign LIBS: GNU:Libs ADD\n"
" Assign LOCAL: GNU:\n"
" Assign L: GNU:ixpipe ADD\n"
" ENDIF\n"
" Set ESHELL \"GNU:bin/sh\"\n"
" Path GNU:bin add\n"
" ELSE\n"
" Assign GNU: EXISTS >nil:\n"
" IF WARN\n"
" Echo \"Asign GNU: doesn't exist.\"\n"
" QUIT 5\n"
" ELSE\n"
" Echo \"Assign GNU: exists.\"\n"
" ENDIF\n"
" ENDIF\n"
" Assign GNU: EXISTS >nil:\n"
" Path GNU: REMOVE >nil:\n"
" UnSet ESHELL\n"
" Assign L: GNU:ixpipe REMOVE >nil:\n"
" Assign LOCAL: REMOVE >nil:\n"
" Assign LIBS: GNU:Libs REMOVE\n"
" Assign TMP: REMOVE\n"
" Assign DEV: REMOVE\n"
" Assign ETC: REMOVE\n"
" Assign BIN: REMOVE\n"
" Assign GNU: REMOVE\n"
" ENDIF\n"
(protect (tackon installDir "s/User-Startup") "+s")
;;; CreateLink procedure
;;; Creates one link
;;; Uses: useLinks 1, if "C:MakeLink" should be used, 0 for copy
;;; linkDestFile file to be created (absolute path)
;;; linkSourceFile file to be copied (absolute path)
(procedure CreateLink
(if (exists linkSourceFile)
( (if (exists linkDestFile)
( (set deleteFileName linkDestFile)
(if useLinks
( (run (cat "C:MakeLink \"" linkDestFile "\" \"" linkSourceFile))
( (copyfiles
(prompt "Faking link from " linkSourceFile " to "
linkDestFile "."
(source linkSourceFile)
(dest (pathonly linkDestFile))
(newname (fileonly linkDestFile))
(optional "askuser" "force")
;;; CreateNeededLinks procedure
;;; Creates needed links.
;;; Uses: installDir
;;; Sets: useLinks
(procedure CreateNeededLinks
(set useLinks (askchoice
(prompt "\n\nSome files may be installed either as links "
"or copied. What do you prefer?"
(help "\n\nAmigaDOS is still having problems with links. "
"Thus you might prefer to copy files."
"\n\nOn the other hand links save disk space. "
"(Not very much.)"
(choices "Copy them anyway"
"Use Links"
(default 0)
(set n 0)
(set left 0)
(while (set file (select n "bin/gzip" "bin/gunzip"
"bin/gzip" "bin/zcat"
"bin/zdiff" "bin/zcmp"
"bin/grep" "bin/fgrep"
"bin/grep" "bin/egrep"
"bin/dir" "bin/d"
"bin/dir" "bin/v"
"bin/dir" "bin/vdir"
"bin/flex" "bin/flex++"
"bin/install" "bin/ginstall"
"bin/sh" "bin/ksh"
"bin/awk" "bin/gawk"
"bin/test" "bin/["
"man/man1/gzip.1" "man/man1/gunzip.1"
"man/man1/gzip.1" "man/man1/zcat.1"
"man/man1/zdiff.1" "man/man1/zcmp.1"
( (if left
( (set linkDestFile (tackon installDir file))
( (set linkSourceFile (tackon installDir file))
(set left (NOT left))
(set n (+ n 1))
;;; Rename020Binaries procedure
;;; Renames gcc-020, g++-020, ... to gcc, g++, ..., respectively
;;; Uses: install020 set, if 68020 binaries to be installed
(procedure Rename020Binaries
(if (<> install020 "")
( (if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nDo you want me to rename the binaries "
"gcc-020, g++-020, ... to gcc, g++, ..., "
(help "Some users have both 68000 and 68020 binaries "
"available. This requires, that certain binaries "
"like gcc, g++ ... have the ending \"-020\" "
"appended to their name.\n\n"
"Most others won't prefer to use the names gcc, "
"g++, ..., however. If you do, select \"Yes\", "
"and I will rename them, otherwise select "
"\"No\".\n\n "
(default 1)
( (set n 0)
(while (set file (select n "bin/gcc"
( (set newFileName (tackon installDir file))
(set oldFileName (cat newFileName "-020"))
(if (exists oldFileName)
( (set deleteFileName newFileName)
(rename oldFileName newFileName)
(set n (+ n 1))
;;; SelectOSHeadersDir procedure
;;; Allows the user to select a directory with OS header files.
;;; Sets: osHeadersDir path to the directory with OS headers.
(set osHeadersDirSelected 0)
(procedure SelectOSHeadersDir
(if (NOT osHeadersDirSelected)
( (set osHeadersDir "")
(set osHeadersDirDefault (getassign "GNUINCLUDE" "a"))
(set useGNUINCLUDE 0)
(set done 0)
(while (NOT done)
( (if (askbool
(prompt "Do you have the Commodore OS headers installed?")
(help "Using the Commodore OS headers may be simplified "
"by creating an assign \"GNUINCLUDE:\". Select "
"\"Yes\", if you want me to create this assign, "
"\"No\" otherwise.\n\n"
( (set osHeadersDir (askfile
(prompt "Please select the directory with the "
"Commodore OS headers."
(help "Using the Commodore OS headers may be simplified "
"by creating an assign \"GNUINCLUDE:\", which "
"will lead to the directory with the Commodore "
"OS headers. Please select this directory, so that "
"I can create this assign.\n\n"
(default osHeadersDirDefault)
(if (exists (tackon osHeadersDir "exec/types.h"))
( (set done 1)
( (message "The directory " osHeadersDir " doesn't "
"contain the Commodore OS headers: Cannot "
"find "
(tackon osHeadersDir "exec/types.h")
(set osHeadersDirDefault osHeadersDir)
(set osHeadersDir "")
( (message "You won't be able to write real Amiga applications "
"without the Commodore OS headers.\n\n"
"You can get them, for example, on the Fish CD's or "
"buy them (including the Commodore AutoDocs). Please "
"read the Amiga FAQ for details."
(set done 1)
(if (<> osHeadersDir "")
( (set osHeadersInstallStyle (askchoice
(prompt "How should I install the OS headers?")
(choices "Modify specs file"
"Create environment variables"
"None of the above"
"The OS headers can be installed in different ways.\n\n"
"The simplest and safest is to copy them to "
(tackon installDir "os-include") ".\n\n"
"Another possibility would be to setup certain "
"environment variables, so that gcc will always "
"look into " osHeadersDir "when searching header "
"The same result is accomplished by modifying the "
"so-called specs file. This is the recommended "
"method, although it is less visible for the user.\n\n"
(default 0)
(if (< osHeadersInstallStyle 2)
( (if (askbool
(prompt "Do you want to create a \"GNUINCLUDE\" assign?")
(help "Many people like to have an assign "
"\"GNUINCLUDE:\" with the directories where gcc "
"should always look for header files. Select \"yes\","
"if you do.\n\n"
"Others don't want to have much assigns and prefer "
"to use the name " osHeadersDir " immediately.\n\n"
(default 0)
( (set useGNUINCLUDE 1)
( (message "You can still use the OS headers, either by "
"adding -I" osHeadersDir " to your gcc command "
"line or by copying them to "
(tackon installDir "os-include") ".\n\n"
"Be sure, that you don't override gcc header "
"files in the latter case, especially the "
"proto directory might be overwritten."
(set osHeadersDirSelected 1)
;;; CompleteStep procedure
;;; Shows how much of the work is completed.
;;; Uses: completeLevel Percent of work already done
;;; completeIncrement Percent to add for this step
(procedure CompleteStep
(set completeLevel (+ completeLevel completeIncrement))
(complete completeLevel)
;;; UnpackArchives procedure
;;; Allows the user to select and unpack LhA archives.
(procedure UnpackArchives
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nShould I unpack the archives for you?")
(help "GNU C is distributed in different archives. These "
"must be unpacked using the program LhA. We'll do "
"this now in case you didn't already."
(default 1)
( (SelectLHAProgram)
(set @Default-Archive-Path "")
(if (<> (substr installDirParent (- (strlen installDirParent) 1)) ":")
( (set installDirParent (cat installDirParent "/"))
(set lhaCommand (cat lhaProgram " x -q -I \"%s\" " installDirParent))
(set n 0)
(set bit 1)
(while (set installArchiveName (select n "base"
(cat "c" install020)
(cat "c++" install020)
(cat "objc" (substr install020 1))
( (set installArchiveName (cat installName installVersionShort "-"
installArchiveName ".lha"))
(if (BITAND gnuPackagesChoice bit)
( (UnpackArchive)
(set bit (shiftleft bit 1))
(set n (+ n 1))
( (set completeLevel (+ completeLevel (* completeIncrement 10)))
;;; ActionInstallation procedure
;;; Executes the work which is unique for installing a new package:
;;; Unpacking the archive and renaming 020 binaries.
(procedure ActionInstallation
;;; ActionDeinstallation procedure
;;; performs all steps needed for deinstalling an existing package.
(procedure ActionDeinstallation
;;; ActionConfiguration procedure
;;; performs all steps needed for configuring an existing package.
(procedure ActionConfiguration
;;; main program
(if oldInstallationSeen
( (complete 0)
(set repeatIt 1)
(set defaultChoice 3)
(while repeatIt
( (set actionChoice (askchoice
(prompt "Please select actions to perform.")
(help "Select \"Deinstall existing version\", if you want "
"to remove an existing package.\n\n"
"Select \"Install new version\", if you want to "
"replace the existing version with a new version."
"Installing a new version implies reconfiguring it "
"Select \"Configure existing version\", if you don't "
"want to install a new version and just reconfigure "
"an existing version.\n\n"
"Select \"Done\", if you want to exit.\n\n"
(choices "Deinstall existing version."
"Install and configure new version"
"Configure existing version"
"All of the above"
(default defaultChoice)
(set installDirAsked 0)
(set asked020Binaries 0)
(set askedInstallVersion 0)
(set osHeadersDirSelected 0)
(select actionChoice
( (set completeLevel 1)
(set completeIncrement 33)
(set defaultChoice 1)
( (set completeLevel -5)
(set completeIncrement 5)
(set defaultChoice 4)
( (set completeLevel 0)
(set completeIncrement 20)
(set configSubDir 1)
(set configSubDir 0)
(set defaultChoice 4)
( (set completeLevel 4)
(set completeIncrement 4)
(set defaultChoice 4)
( (set repeatIt 0)
( (set completeLevel 0)
(set completeIncrement 5)
(message "GNU C is completely installed in one directory called GNU. "
"Typical places are Work:GNU or similar.\n\n"
"We start with selecting the parent directory of GNU, "
"so that I can unarchive the LhA files to this place.\n"
"An assign GNU: will lead to this directory later, binaries "
"will be in GNU:bin, link libraries in GNU:lib and so on.\n\n"
"If you have any problems with this installation script, send "
"mail to\n"
(message "Initial installation done. You may rerun me at any time "
"to perform deinstallation, installing new versions or "
"reconfiguring the existing package.\n\n"
"Now you have to reboot to activate new environment.\n"
"In case of errors, problems or whatever, please contact "
"me at:\n\n"
"email: phb@colombo.telesys-innov.fr\n"
"fidonet: 2:320/104.21 Ramses The Amiga Flying BBS"